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Cambelt/Timing Chain replacement made easy
Cambelt Maidstone specialises in cambelt/timing chain replacement for every make and model of car. A failed cambelt/timing chain can be catastrophic for your vehicle and your wallet so contact us now if you are experiencing any problems. Common signs of a failing chain include a ticking noise from the engine, misfires or lack of performance.
Call us with your car registration or fill in the form
on the right and we will tell you when your cambelt/timing chain replacement is due according to the manufacturer’s schedule.
The cambelt (or timing chain) is one of your car’s most crucial components, keeping the main parts of the engine in sync with each other.
The cambelt/timing chain ensures valves are opening and closing at the precise intervals needed for correct engine operation. Cambelts have a fixed interval based on time and mileage and it is crucial to have them replaced before they break.
Timing chains generally do not have a replacement interval but more and more modern vehicles with chains are suffering with stretched and snapped chains at low mileage and low vehicle age.
A failed timing belt can be catastrophic for your vehicle and your wallet so it is vital to stick to the recommend schedule for replacing your timing belt and listen for any rattles or signs that a chain could be near failure.
To find out when a cambelt/timing chain replacement is due on your vehicle simply call us with your registration number or fill in the contact form
on this page.
Cambelt Maidstone
is registered in England and Wales.